The Full Top Level Domain List as of 2024
10-02-2024 - BlogsWhat is a top level domain list
A top level domain list is essentially an inventory of all domain extensions—such as .com, .org, .net, and newer entries like .app, .blog, and .guru – that are recognized by the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority (IANA). These suffixes are at the highest level in the hierarchical Domain Name System (DNS) of the internet, which is responsible for translating user-friendly domain names into IP addresses that computers use to identify each other on the network.
Any comprehensive list of top level domains includes diverse categories, each serving different functions and audiences. General top-level domains (gTLDs) are most familiar to internet users and comprise domains that are generally available for public registration. Country code top-level domains (ccTLDs), like .uk or .jp, are reserved for specific countries or territories and are often regulated by local authorities. Sponsored top-level domains (sTLDs) have a sponsoring organization representing a specific community.
This list of top level domains, plays a crucial role in the structure of the internet. It facilitates organization, ensures that every digital address is unique, and aids in the efficient routing and categorization of web traffic. As such, the top level domain list is not static, it’s an evolving catalog that periodically aligns with the internet’s growth, the introduction of new businesses and technologies, and the diversifying needs of the global digital populace.
The importance of understanding and utilizing the top level domain list cannot be overstated for anyone looking to establish an online presence. A carefully selected domain extension from the list of top level domains can convey professionalism, relevance, and even regional or community affiliation, shaping the user’s first impressions and potentially impacting search engine optimization (SEO).

The Role of ICANN and IANA in TLD Management and Allocation
The vital roles played by ICANN and IANA in managing and allocating the top level domain list cannot be overstated. ICANN, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers, is responsible for coordinating the global Internet’s systems of unique identifiers, which include TLDs. This not-for-profit partnership oversees policies regarding the expansion and administration of the top level domain list, encompassing generic, country-code, and new TLDs. Any addition to the list of top level domains is governed by ICANN’s policy development process, which ensures a secure and stable internet by involving a diverse array of stakeholders in decision-making.
Adjacent to ICANN’s policy oversight is the function of IANA, the Internet Assigned Numbers Authority. IANA meticulously implements ICANN’s policy outcomes by maintaining the DNS root zone, effectively the address book of the internet. This maintenance includes a continuous update of the top level domain list, representing a dynamic and ever-growing inventory. IANA’s role is technical; it keeps the internet operational by enabling the global DNS to route traffic efficiently, utilizing the list of top level domains as foundational routing paths. In aggregate, ICANN’s role in policy development, coupled with IANA’s implementation of those policies, ensures that the top level domain list is reflective of the evolving digital landscape.
The Process of Registrering a New TLD
The registration of a new entity within the top level domain list signifies a significant milestone in the domain name system’s ongoing expansion. This process adds a new dimension to the list of top level domains, which acts not merely as a catalogue but as a gateway to the digital identity of countless organizations and individuals across the globe. Engaging in the process of registering a new TLD involves a series of structured steps that ensure the seamless integration and function of this critical internet infrastructure.
The applicant must develop a business plan, technical capabilities, and detailed policies that adhere to the guidelines set by the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN), the organization responsible for coordinating and maintaining the database of top level domains. This includes determining the purpose of the new TLD, the target audience, and how it will enhance the current list of top level domains.
Upon submission, ICANN initiates a rigorous review process, evaluating the proposed TLD’s impact on the overall internet ecosystem, its stability and security implications, and the readiness of the applicant to manage a top level domain. This evaluation includes a public comment period, allowing existing stakeholders and the general public to provide input on the applications.
Finally, if approved, the applicant enters the delegation phase, which involves the technical setup of the TLD in the global DNS. This includes contracting with ICANN, establishing the TLD’s registry, and satisfying all pre-delegation testing to ensure full functionality and compliance. Integration into the top level domain list denotes the successful completion of this process. It culminates in the new TLD becoming operational and available for domain registrations under the auspices of the approved registry, thus augmenting the internet’s infrastructure with a fresh digital identifier.
The Current Top Domain List, 2024
A question often arises, how many top-level domain names in ICANN are there? The answer encapsulates the remarkable growth in the number of sanctioned online addresses under which all web entities nest. Given ICANN’s commitment to internet accessibility and innovation, the number of top-level domains (TLDs) has expanded to accommodate diverse global needs and new digital realms.
The answer is not static, as ICANN continuously evaluates and incorporates new TLDs. With every addition, the list of all domain name extensions broadens, paving the way for a more diverse and personalized internet landscape. These updates are critical, as they allow for greater expression, innovation, and specificity within the global digital community. Each domain extension offers unique opportunities and considerations for branding, regional identification, and market positioning.
This section provides a snapshot of the current state of the internet’s architecture, detailing the list of all domain name extensions as recognized and maintained by ICANN in 2024. It serves as an informative resource for individuals and enterprises looking to understand the scope and structure of the domain name system. Whether one is deciding on a domain name for a start-up, seeking to protect intellectual property in the digital space, or simply curious about the structure of the internet, this enumeration acts as a comprehensive guide to the TLDs that define our online interactions.
.aaa | .gmail | .rentals |
.aarp | .gmbh | .repair |
.abb | .gmo | .report |
.abbott | .gmx | .republican |
.abbvie | .gn | .rest |
.abc | .godaddy | .restaurant |
.able | .gold | .review |
.abogado | .goldpoint | .reviews |
.abudhabi | .golf | .rexroth |
.ac | .goo | .rich |
.academy | .goodyear | .richardli |
.accenture | .goog | .ricoh |
.accountant | .ril | |
.accountants | .gop | .rio |
.aco | .got | .rip |
.actor | .gov | .ro |
.ad | .gp | .rocks |
.ads | .gq | .rodeo |
.adult | .gr | .rogers |
.ae | .grainger | .room |
.aeg | .graphics | .rs |
.aero | .gratis | .rsvp |
.aetna | .green | .ru |
.af | .gripe | .rugby |
.afl | .grocery | .ruhr |
.africa | .group | .run |
.ag | .gs | .rw |
.agakhan | .gt | .rwe |
.agency | .gu | .ryukyu |
.ai | .guardian | .sa |
.aig | .gucci | .saarland |
.airbus | .guge | .safe |
.airforce | .guide | .safety |
.airtel | .guitars | .sakura |
.akdn | .guru | .sale |
.al | .gw | .salon |
.alibaba | .gy | .samsclub |
.alipay | .hair | .samsung |
.allfinanz | .hamburg | .sandvik |
.allstate | .hangout | .sandvikcoromant |
.ally | .haus | .sanofi |
.alsace | .hbo | .sap |
.alstom | .hdfc | .sarl |
.am | .hdfcbank | .sas |
.amazon | .health | .save |
.americanexpress | .healthcare | .saxo |
.americanfamily | .help | .sb |
.amex | .helsinki | .sbi |
.amfam | .here | .sbs |
.amica | .hermes | .sc |
.amsterdam | .hiphop | .scb |
.analytics | .hisamitsu | .schaeffler |
.android | .hitachi | .schmidt |
.anquan | .hiv | .scholarships |
.anz | .hk | .school |
.ao | .hkt | .schule |
.aol | .hm | .schwarz |
.apartments | .hn | .science |
.app | .hockey | .scot |
.apple | .holdings | .sd |
.aq | .holiday | .se |
.aquarelle | .homedepot | .search |
.ar | .homegoods | .seat |
.arab | .homes | .secure |
.aramco | .homesense | .security |
.archi | .honda | .seek |
.army | .horse | .select |
.arpa | .hospital | .sener |
.art | .host | .services |
.arte | .hosting | .seven |
.as | .hot | .sew |
.asda | .hotels | .sex |
.asia | .hotmail | .sexy |
.associates | .house | .sfr |
.at | .how | .sg |
.athleta | .hr | .sh |
.attorney | .hsbc | .shangrila |
.au | .ht | .sharp |
.auction | .hu | .shaw |
.audi | .hughes | .shell |
.audible | .hyatt | .shia |
.audio | .hyundai | .shiksha |
.auspost | .ibm | .shoes |
.author | .icbc | .shop |
.auto | .ice | .shopping |
.autos | .icu | .shouji |
.avianca | .id | .show |
.aw | .ie | .si |
.aws | .ieee | .silk |
.ax | .ifm | .sina |
.axa | .ikano | .singles |
.az | .il | .site |
.azure | .im | .sj |
.ba | .imamat | .sk |
.baby | .imdb | .ski |
.baidu | .immo | .skin |
.banamex | .immobilien | .sky |
.band | .in | .skype |
.bank | .inc | .sl |
.bar | .industries | .sling |
.barcelona | .infiniti | .sm |
.barclaycard | .info | .smart |
.barclays | .ing | .smile |
.barefoot | .ink | .sn |
.bargains | .institute | .sncf |
.baseball | .insurance | .so |
.basketball | .insure | .soccer |
.bauhaus | .int | .social |
.bayern | .international | .softbank |
.bb | .intuit | .software |
.bbc | .investments | .sohu |
.bbt | .io | .solar |
.bbva | .ipiranga | .solutions |
.bcg | .iq | .song |
.bcn | .ir | .sony |
.bd | .irish | .soy |
.be | .is | .spa |
.beats | .ismaili | .space |
.beauty | .ist | .sport |
.beer | .istanbul | .spot |
.bentley | .it | .sr |
.berlin | .itau | .srl |
.best | .itv | .ss |
.bestbuy | .jaguar | .st |
.bet | .java | .stada |
.bf | .jcb | .staples |
.bg | .je | .star |
.bh | .jeep | .statebank |
.bharti | .jetzt | .statefarm |
.bi | .jewelry | .stc |
.bible | .jio | .stcgroup |
.bid | .jll | .stockholm |
.bike | .jm | .storage |
.bing | .jmp | .store |
.bingo | .jnj | .stream |
.bio | .jo | .studio |
.biz | .jobs | .study |
.bj | .joburg | .style |
.black | .jot | .su |
.blackfriday | .joy | .sucks |
.blockbuster | .jp | .supplies |
.blog | .jpmorgan | .supply |
.bloomberg | .jprs | .support |
.blue | .juegos | .surf |
.bm | .juniper | .surgery |
.bms | .kaufen | .suzuki |
.bmw | .kddi | .sv |
.bn | .ke | .swatch |
.bnpparibas | .kerryhotels | .swiss |
.bo | .kerrylogistics | .sx |
.boats | .kerryproperties | .sy |
.boehringer | .kfh | .sydney |
.bofa | .kg | .systems |
.bom | .kh | .sz |
.bond | .ki | .tab |
.boo | .kia | .taipei |
.book | .kids | .talk |
.booking | .kim | .taobao |
.bosch | .kindle | .target |
.bostik | .kitchen | .tatamotors |
.boston | .kiwi | .tatar |
.bot | .km | .tattoo |
.boutique | .kn | .tax |
.box | .koeln | .taxi |
.br | .komatsu | .tc |
.bradesco | .kosher | .tci |
.bridgestone | .kp | .td |
.broadway | .kpmg | .tdk |
.broker | .kpn | .team |
.brother | .kr | .tech |
.brussels | .krd | .technology |
.bs | .kred | .tel |
.bt | .kuokgroup | .temasek |
.build | .kw | .tennis |
.builders | .ky | .teva |
.business | .kyoto | .tf |
.buy | .kz | .tg |
.buzz | .la | .th |
.bv | .lacaixa | .thd |
.bw | .lamborghini | .theater |
.by | .lamer | .theatre |
.bz | .lancaster | .tiaa |
.bzh | .land | .tickets |
.ca | .landrover | .tienda |
.cab | .lanxess | .tips |
.cafe | .lasalle | .tires |
.cal | .lat | .tirol |
.call | .latino | .tj |
.calvinklein | .latrobe | .tjmaxx |
.cam | .law | .tjx |
.camera | .lawyer | .tk |
.camp | .lb | .tkmaxx |
.canon | .lc | .tl |
.capetown | .lds | .tm |
.capital | .lease | .tmall |
.capitalone | .leclerc | .tn |
.car | .lefrak | .to |
.caravan | .legal | .today |
.cards | .lego | .tokyo |
.care | .lexus | .tools |
.career | .lgbt | .top |
.careers | .li | .toray |
.cars | .lidl | .toshiba |
.casa | .life | .total |
.case | .lifeinsurance | .tours |
.cash | .lifestyle | .town |
.casino | .lighting | .toyota |
.cat | .like | .toys |
.catering | .lilly | .tr |
.catholic | .limited | .trade |
.cba | .limo | .trading |
.cbn | .lincoln | .training |
.cbre | .link | .travel |
.cc | .lipsy | .travelers |
.cd | .live | .travelersinsurance |
.center | .living | .trust |
.ceo | .lk | .trv |
.cern | .llc | .tt |
.cf | .llp | .tube |
.cfa | .loan | .tui |
.cfd | .loans | .tunes |
.cg | .locker | .tushu |
.ch | .locus | .tv |
.chanel | .lol | .tvs |
.channel | .london | .tw |
.charity | .lotte | .tz |
.chase | .lotto | .ua |
.chat | .love | .ubank |
.cheap | .lpl | .ubs |
.chintai | .lplfinancial | .ug |
.christmas | .lr | .uk |
.chrome | .ls | .unicom |
.church | .lt | .university |
.ci | .ltd | .uno |
.cipriani | .ltda | .uol |
.circle | .lu | .ups |
.cisco | .lundbeck | .us |
.citadel | .luxe | .uy |
.citi | .luxury | .uz |
.citic | .lv | .va |
.city | .ly | .vacations |
.ck | .ma | .vana |
.cl | .madrid | .vanguard |
.claims | .maif | .vc |
.cleaning | .maison | .ve |
.click | .makeup | .vegas |
.clinic | .man | .ventures |
.clinique | .management | .verisign |
.clothing | .mango | .versicherung |
.cloud | .map | .vet |
.club | .market | .vg |
.clubmed | .marketing | .vi |
.cm | .markets | .viajes |
.cn | .marriott | .video |
.co | .marshalls | .vig |
.coach | .mattel | .viking |
.codes | .mba | .villas |
.coffee | .mc | .vin |
.college | .mckinsey | .vip |
.cologne | .md | .virgin |
.com | .me | .visa |
.commbank | .med | .vision |
.community | .media | .viva |
.company | .meet | .vivo |
.compare | .melbourne | .vlaanderen |
.computer | .meme | .vn |
.comsec | .memorial | .vodka |
.condos | .men | .volvo |
.construction | .menu | .vote |
.consulting | .merckmsd | .voting |
.contact | .mg | .voto |
.contractors | .mh | .voyage |
.cooking | .miami | .vu |
.cool | .microsoft | .wales |
.coop | .mil | .walmart |
.corsica | .mini | .walter |
.country | .mint | .wang |
.coupon | .mit | .wanggou |
.coupons | .mitsubishi | .watch |
.courses | .mk | .watches |
.cpa | .ml | .weather |
.cr | .mlb | .weatherchannel |
.credit | .mls | .webcam |
.creditcard | .mm | .weber |
.creditunion | .mma | .website |
.cricket | .mn | .wed |
.crown | .mo | .wedding |
.crs | .mobi | |
.cruise | .mobile | .weir |
.cruises | .moda | .wf |
.cu | .moe | .whoswho |
.cuisinella | .moi | .wien |
.cv | .mom | .wiki |
.cw | .monash | .williamhill |
.cx | .money | .win |
.cy | .monster | .windows |
.cymru | .mormon | .wine |
.cyou | .mortgage | .winners |
.cz | .moscow | .wme |
.dabur | .moto | .wolterskluwer |
.dad | .motorcycles | .woodside |
.dance | .mov | .work |
.data | .movie | .works |
.date | .mp | .world |
.dating | .mq | .wow |
.datsun | .mr | .ws |
.day | .ms | .wtc |
.dclk | .msd | .wtf |
.dds | .mt | .xbox |
.de | .mtn | .xerox |
.deal | .mtr | .xihuan |
.dealer | .mu | .xin |
.deals | .museum | .xn--11b4c3d |
.degree | .music | .xn--1ck2e1b |
.delivery | .mv | .xn--1qqw23a |
.dell | .mw | .xn--2scrj9c |
.deloitte | .mx | .xn--30rr7y |
.delta | .my | .xn--3bst00m |
.democrat | .mz | .xn--3ds443g |
.dental | .na | .xn--3e0b707e |
.dentist | .nab | .xn--3hcrj9c |
.desi | .nagoya | .xn--3pxu8k |
.design | .name | .xn--42c2d9a |
.dev | .natura | .xn--45br5cyl |
.dhl | .navy | .xn--45brj9c |
.diamonds | .nba | .xn--45q11c |
.diet | .nc | .xn--4dbrk0ce |
.digital | .ne | .xn--4gbrim |
.direct | .nec | .xn--54b7fta0cc |
.directory | .net | .xn--55qw42g |
.discount | .netbank | .xn--55qx5d |
.discover | .netflix | .xn--5su34j936bgsg |
.dish | .network | .xn--5tzm5g |
.diy | .neustar | .xn--6frz82g |
.dj | .new | .xn--6qq986b3xl |
.dk | .news | .xn--80adxhks |
.dm | .next | .xn--80ao21a |
.dnp | .nextdirect | .xn--80aqecdr1a |
.do | .nexus | .xn--80asehdb |
.docs | .nf | .xn--80aswg |
.doctor | .nfl | .xn--8y0a063a |
.dog | .ng | .xn--90a3ac |
.domains | .ngo | .xn--90ae |
.dot | .nhk | .xn--90ais |
.download | .ni | .xn--9dbq2a |
.drive | .nico | .xn--9et52u |
.dtv | .nike | .xn--9krt00a |
.dubai | .nikon | .xn--b4w605ferd |
.dunlop | .ninja | .xn--bck1b9a5dre4c |
.dupont | .nissan | .xn--c1avg |
.durban | .nissay | .xn--c2br7g |
.dvag | .nl | .xn--cck2b3b |
.dvr | .no | .xn--cckwcxetd |
.dz | .nokia | .xn--cg4bki |
.earth | .norton | .xn--clchc0ea0b2g2a9gcd |
.eat | .now | .xn--czr694b |
.ec | .nowruz | .xn--czrs0t |
.eco | .nowtv | .xn--czru2d |
.edeka | .np | .xn--d1acj3b |
.edu | .nr | .xn--d1alf |
.education | .nra | .xn--e1a4c |
.ee | .nrw | .xn--eckvdtc9d |
.eg | .ntt | .xn--efvy88h |
.nu | .xn--fct429k | |
.emerck | .nyc | .xn--fhbei |
.energy | .nz | .xn--fiq228c5hs |
.engineer | .obi | .xn--fiq64b |
.engineering | .observer | .xn--fiqs8s |
.enterprises | .office | .xn--fiqz9s |
.epson | .okinawa | .xn--fjq720a |
.equipment | .olayan | .xn--flw351e |
.er | .olayangroup | .xn--fpcrj9c3d |
.ericsson | .ollo | .xn--fzc2c9e2c |
.erni | .om | .xn--fzys8d69uvgm |
.es | .omega | .xn--g2xx48c |
.esq | .one | .xn--gckr3f0f |
.estate | .ong | .xn--gecrj9c |
.et | .onl | .xn--gk3at1e |
.eu | .online | .xn--h2breg3eve |
.eurovision | .ooo | .xn--h2brj9c |
.eus | .open | .xn--h2brj9c8c |
.events | .oracle | .xn--hxt814e |
.exchange | .orange | .xn--i1b6b1a6a2e |
.expert | .org | .xn--imr513n |
.exposed | .organic | .xn--io0a7i |
.express | .origins | .xn--j1aef |
.extraspace | .osaka | .xn--j1amh |
.fage | .otsuka | .xn--j6w193g |
.fail | .ott | .xn--jlq480n2rg |
.fairwinds | .ovh | .xn--jvr189m |
.faith | .pa | .xn--kcrx77d1x4a |
.family | .page | .xn--kprw13d |
.fan | .panasonic | .xn--kpry57d |
.fans | .paris | .xn--kput3i |
.farm | .pars | .xn--l1acc |
.farmers | .partners | .xn--lgbbat1ad8j |
.fashion | .parts | .xn--mgb9awbf |
.fast | .party | .xn--mgba3a3ejt |
.fedex | .pay | .xn--mgba3a4f16a |
.feedback | .pccw | .xn--mgba7c0bbn0a |
.ferrari | .pe | .xn--mgbaam7a8h |
.ferrero | .pet | .xn--mgbab2bd |
.fi | .pf | .xn--mgbah1a3hjkrd |
.fidelity | .pfizer | .xn--mgbai9azgqp6j |
.fido | .pg | .xn--mgbayh7gpa |
.film | .ph | .xn--mgbbh1a |
.final | .pharmacy | .xn--mgbbh1a71e |
.finance | .phd | .xn--mgbc0a9azcg |
.financial | .philips | .xn--mgbca7dzdo |
.fire | .phone | .xn--mgbcpq6gpa1a |
.firestone | .photo | .xn--mgberp4a5d4ar |
.firmdale | .photography | .xn--mgbgu82a |
.fish | .photos | .xn--mgbi4ecexp |
.fishing | .physio | .xn--mgbpl2fh |
.fit | .pics | .xn--mgbt3dhd |
.fitness | .pictet | .xn--mgbtx2b |
.fj | .pictures | .xn--mgbx4cd0ab |
.fk | .pid | .xn--mix891f |
.flickr | .pin | .xn--mk1bu44c |
.flights | .ping | .xn--mxtq1m |
.flir | .pink | .xn--ngbc5azd |
.florist | .pioneer | .xn--ngbe9e0a |
.flowers | .pizza | .xn--ngbrx |
.fly | .pk | .xn--node |
.fm | .pl | .xn--nqv7f |
.fo | .place | .xn--nqv7fs00ema |
.foo | .play | .xn--nyqy26a |
.food | .playstation | .xn--o3cw4h |
.football | .plumbing | .xn--ogbpf8fl |
.ford | .plus | .xn--otu796d |
.forex | .pm | .xn--p1acf |
.forsale | .pn | .xn--p1ai |
.forum | .pnc | .xn--pgbs0dh |
.foundation | .pohl | .xn--pssy2u |
.fox | .poker | .xn--q7ce6a |
.fr | .politie | .xn--q9jyb4c |
.free | .porn | .xn--qcka1pmc |
.fresenius | .post | .xn--qxa6a |
.frl | .pr | .xn--qxam |
.frogans | .pramerica | .xn--rhqv96g |
.frontier | .praxi | .xn--rovu88b |
.ftr | .press | .xn--rvc1e0am3e |
.fujitsu | .prime | .xn--s9brj9c |
.fun | .pro | .xn--ses554g |
.fund | .prod | .xn--t60b56a |
.furniture | .productions | .xn--tckwe |
.futbol | .prof | .xn--tiq49xqyj |
.fyi | .progressive | .xn--unup4y |
.ga | .promo | .xn--vermgensberater-ctb |
.gal | .properties | .xn--vermgensberatung-pwb |
.gallery | .property | .xn--vhquv |
.gallo | .protection | .xn--vuq861b |
.gallup | .pru | .xn--w4r85el8fhu5dnra |
.game | .prudential | .xn--w4rs40l |
.games | .ps | .xn--wgbh1c |
.gap | .pt | .xn--wgbl6a |
.garden | .pub | .xn--xhq521b |
.gay | .pw | .xn--xkc2al3hye2a |
.gb | .pwc | .xn--xkc2dl3a5ee0h |
.gbiz | .py | .xn--y9a3aq |
.gd | .qa | .xn--yfro4i67o |
.gdn | .qpon | .xn--ygbi2ammx |
.ge | .quebec | .xn--zfr164b |
.gea | .quest | .xxx |
.gent | .racing | .xyz |
.genting | .radio | .yachts |
.george | .re | .yahoo |
.gf | .read | .yamaxun |
.gg | .realestate | .yandex |
.ggee | .realtor | .ye |
.gh | .realty | .yodobashi |
.gi | .recipes | .yoga |
.gift | .red | .yokohama |
.gifts | .redstone | .you |
.gives | .redumbrella | .youtube |
.giving | .rehab | .yt |
.gl | .reise | .yun |
.glass | .reisen | .za |
.gle | .reit | .zappos |
.global | .reliance | .zara |
.globo | .ren | .zero |
.gm | .rent | .zip |